/  Men’s Alcohol Rehab


Alcohol misuse is a growing problem in America and it disproportionately impacts men. Drinking too much alcohol on a regular basis can cause or worsen many physical and mental health issues as well as put people at high risk for accidents, violence, and other dangerous behaviors. Over time, heavy use of alcohol can lead to addiction.

The signs of alcoholism can be hard to recognize for those who are suffering from it or those close to them. Common signs include feeling the need to drink more often or needing more alcohol than usual to get the same desired effects.

men’s alcohol rehab

In most cases, the best way to overcome alcohol use disorder is to attend an accredited treatment program. A gender-specific men’s alcohol rehab can address issues that are unique to men and help them overcome addiction in a supportive environment.

men’s alcohol rehab


Alcohol misuse can lead to a variety of negative physical and emotional effects, including:

  • Memory lapses
  • Slurred speech
  • Unsteady gait
  • Poor judgment
  • Vision disturbances
  • Anxiety or depression

Over time, the continued misuse of alcohol can increase the risk for serious health complications such as ulcers, pancreatitis, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and liver damage. For men, in particular, long-term alcohol misuse has been linked to an increased risk for prostate disorders.


Knowing how much alcohol is in your drink can help you make informed decisions about drinking. In the US, public health agencies have established standard definitions to objectively assess a person’s individual consumption of alcoholic beverages as well as various patterns like binge and heavy drinking.

These standardized measurements assist research and clinical care by providing an accurate way to compare metrics between individuals or studies so that people are better able to understand their own habits when it comes to consuming alcohol.

Lower-Risk Alcohol Consumption

With the help of NIAAA, low-risk drinking has been identified as a maximum of three drinks per day for women and four drinks per day for men. Though these limits are considered to be safe most days out of the week, overconsumption can still cause problems even if your number is within this range. If you’re considering having more than what’s recommended keep in mind that it greatly increases your chance of an alcohol use disorder (AUD).

High-Risk Alcohol Consumption

Consuming 4 drinks within 2 hours for women or 5 drinks within two hours for men can lead to dangerous levels of intoxication, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). To determine how common this practice is in the population, SAMHSA’s annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health inquires about drinking behavior over a 30-day period. Bingeing is defined as consuming at least four alcoholic beverages on one occasion during that time frame if you’re female; five if you’re male.


There are two broad categories of motivation for drinking alcohol: negative reinforcement (drinking to cope) and positive reinforcement (drinking to be sociable).  Research has found that heavy drinkers tend to choose more coping reasons than infrequent drinkers. However, social motives for consuming alcohol can also lead to heavy drinking. Common reasons why men drink include:

  • Genetics
  • Drinks that are marketed toward men
  • Peer pressure
  • Toxic masculinity
  • Mental health issues
  • To cope or relieve stress

An interactional approach was taken in a general population survey of adult drinkers, examining both reasons for drinking and the extent to which current circumstances fit these reasons. It was thought that there would be a correlation between reasons for drinking and environmental circumstances.

The results showed that gender, ethnicity, and age do not have a significant impact on the relationships between stress, social influence, motives for drinking, and alcohol consumption.


Alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism, is a chronic and often progressive disease characterized by the inability to control alcohol intake. Alcohol use disorder is a diagnosis that can be made when three or more of the following criteria are met:

  1. A strong urge to drink alcohol
  2. An inability to limit drinking
  3. Physical withdrawal symptoms such as shakiness, nausea, sweating, anxiety, and rapid heartbeat when not drinking
  4. Continuing to drink despite negative social and/or physical consequences
  5. Tolerance (needing more and more to feel the same effects)
  6. Neglecting activities that were once important or enjoyable in favor of drinking
  7. Making excuses for drinking or hiding drinking habits

There are also signs of addiction that may indicate an individual needs treatment for alcohol use disorder.

men’s alcohol rehab


Alcohol addiction often goes undetected until it is too late – which is why it’s important to recognize the signs before they become severe.

Some warning signs of alcohol addiction include:

  • Tolerance: needing more and more to feel the desired effects
  • Withdrawal symptoms when not drinking, such as shaking or sweating
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or activities that used to be enjoyable
  • Feeling guilty over how much you drink
  • Becoming defensive over how much you drink
  • Making excuses for why you need to drink
  • Putting oneself in dangerous situations while drinking
  • Continuing to drink despite personal or financial problems caused by alcohol use

If you have observed any of these conditions, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible. At Jaywalker Lodge, we understand how difficult it can be for men struggling with alcoholism and we are here to provide compassionate care at every stage of treatment and recovery.

A high-functioning alcoholic is someone who meets the criteria for an AUD but does not exhibit the full range of clinical impairments commonly associated with alcohol use disorders. A person may be a high-functioning alcoholic if they drink more than what is recommended in moderation, which is defined as being no more than 1 drink daily for women or 2 drinks daily for men.

An estimated 20% of people who meet the diagnostic criteria for an alcohol use disorder appear to others to be highly functioning people. Functional tolerance is another similar term where someone can drink large quantities of alcohol without it being obvious or even easily noticed. This allows individuals to engage in regular activities in a way that appears normal to anyone else.

Alcohol use disorder can have serious health implications. Alcoholism is a progressive disorder that can cause physical damage to the body over time. Heavy drinking can impair your judgment, leading to risky behavior and even accidental injuries or worse. Long-term alcohol use can also lead to liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, cancer, and other diseases. Additionally, there are mental health risks associated with heavy drinking such as depression and anxiety disorders.

Alcohol misuse among men between 18-29 years old is relatively common. In fact, approximately 1 out of 10 men between 18-29 years old meet the criteria for having an alcohol use disorder (AUD).

15 million people ages 12 and up were identified as having AUD according to NSDUH (National Survey on Drug Use and Health: 9 million males accounted for 6.8 percent of this age group along with 5 .5 million females who accounted for 3 .9% of the survey population. Data from the same 2019 survey shows that 7.3 percent of adults with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) sought treatment in the past year; 6.9 percent for men and 7.9 percent for women. This demonstrates that men often account for a larger percentage of the population that suffer from alcohol consumption but ultimately seek less treatment.

Another startling statistic derived from the same survey, every year, alcohol-related deaths claim the lives of nearly 95,000 Americans. With around 68,000 men and 27,000 women succumbing annually to alcohol-linked issues such as liver disease or accidents caused by intoxication, this makes it the third most common preventable cause of death across all age groups nationwide. And as we can see from this statistic, men account for more than double the number of alcohol-related deaths than women.


Jaywalker Lodge offers a unique approach to addiction treatment that is unlike other facilities. Our model of care is a four-step process that starts with what is considered a residential treatment all the way through to outpatient services. Anyone who comes to Jaywalker Lodge for treatment services is required to start at step one, we do not allow new clients to pick and choose treatment types.

This is done for a very specific reason. We stand by the commitment that we provide to our clients to free them from addiction and as such, we can only honor that commitment by accepting clients that are willing to put in the work. We are not a facility that is for everyone, but if you’re serious about your recovery, we’re serious about you.

The Landing is considered a residential-style treatment program that focuses on transitioning individuals into the community and beginning their journey into recovery. During a client’s stay, they will engage in individual, group, and family therapy programs, as well as NA/AA, support meetings. Time at The Landing can last anywhere from three to 21 days depending on the individual’s needs.

The Lodge is considered the core of our treatment program and focuses on relapse prevention and therapy that addresses mental health and substance use disorder issues. While staying at The Lodge patients will engage in an expansive sober community and apply what they’ve learned to their daily lives. Located in Colorado, we also offer a variety of outdoor activities in the mountains. Time at The Lodge can last up to 90 days.

Solutions provides recovery through a holistic approach that encourages clients to take personal accountability while reintegrating into either the workplace or academia. Through weekly activities, vocational and interpersonal style assessments, 12-Step meetings as well as Big Book studies (among other things), individuals can create short and long-term goals with support in order to develop sobriety skills for successful lives.

Jaywalker Outpatient Services provides a comprehensive path to recovery and encourages our clients to actively practice the necessary skills for long-term sobriety. With individualized counseling plans focusing on relapse prevention, accompanied by 12-step principles as its foundation, OP strives to create an atmosphere of support and safety while promoting overall well-being in life beyond addiction.

Step 1: The Landing

The Landing is considered a residential-style treatment program that focuses on transitioning individuals into the community and beginning their journey into recovery. During a client’s stay, they will engage in individual, group, and family therapy programs, as well as NA/AA, support meetings. Time at The Landing can last anywhere from three to 21 days depending on the individual’s needs.

Step 2: The Lodge

The Lodge is considered the core of our treatment program and focuses on relapse prevention and therapy that addresses mental health and substance use disorder issues. While staying at The Lodge patients will engage in an expansive sober community and apply what they’ve learned to their daily lives. Located in Colorado, we also offer a variety of outdoor activities in the mountains. Time at The Lodge can last up to 90 days.

Step 3: Solutions (IOP)

Solutions provides recovery through a holistic approach that encourages clients to take personal accountability while reintegrating into either the workplace or academia. Through weekly activities, vocational and interpersonal style assessments, 12-Step meetings as well as Big Book studies (among other things), individuals can create short and long-term goals with support in order to develop sobriety skills for successful lives.

Step 4: Outpatient Services

Jaywalker Outpatient Services provides a comprehensive path to recovery and encourages our clients to actively practice the necessary skills for long-term sobriety. With individualized counseling plans focusing on relapse prevention, accompanied by 12-step principles as its foundation, OP strives to create an atmosphere of support and safety while promoting overall well-being in life beyond addiction.


At Jaywalker Lodge, we understand the struggles of individuals and families affected by alcohol addiction. We are here to provide you with the tools and resources to begin your journey toward a healthier life. Our men’s alcohol rehab program is designed to help men in need of recovery from alcohol addiction through comprehensive treatment plans tailored for each individual. With a combination of evidence-based practices and experiential therapies (including adventure activities, mindfulness practice, art therapy, music therapy, and many others.

men’s alcohol rehab

Our team of experienced professionals takes an integrative approach to ensure our clients receive the highest quality care and develop the necessary skills needed for long-term sobriety. To learn more about our men’s alcohol rehab contact us!