Treating Depression in Recovery

Among alcoholics and addicts both in and out of recovery, issues of mental and emotional health are highly prevalent. All of these issues — from substance abuse and recovery to mental and emotional health problems — often have correlating causes and sources. Just as often, they have related treatments and solutions as well. Some studies […]

Men’s Issues: The Hole in the Doughnut

Hole in the Doughnut

At Jaywalker, we help men who struggle with achieving long-term recovery from alcoholism and addiction. We particularly seek to reach the ones who can’t seem to stay in recovery, despite the honest desire to do so. These are the Jaywalkers, just like we were. By being part of this specific population of alcoholics and addicts, […]

Finding Serenity in Calamity

Serenity in Calamity

No ocean, no matter how beautiful, is calm all the time. There will inevitably be storms. But when we sailed the ocean of life in our active alcoholism and addiction, we were sailing with a boatload of extra trouble. Now that we have entered recovery at Jaywalker Lodge, our ship is no longer making things […]

Don’t Give Up On Yourself

It’s common for those of us who are new to recovery to have low opinions of ourselves. We are still healing from our active alcoholism and addiction, and we may find it difficult to shake a bleak view of who we are and the future we expect to have. But one major key to happy […]

The Role of Medically Assisted Treatment in Our Recovery Programs

Medically assisted treatment (MAT) is a topic and practice of no small debate. We keep our position on the issue simple, clean, and in line with what we think is best for the quality of both life and recovery for the men who stay with us. At Jaywalker Lodge, we take nothing more seriously than […]

HeartMath at Jaywalker Lodge

HeartMath at Jaywalker Lodge Jaywalker Lodge is now using HeartMath technology and stress management tools in conjunction with EMDR, TRE, CBT and 12-step facilitation in treating chemical dependence and co-occurring disorders.  HeartMath technology is a great compliment to the 12-steps and offers clients the opportunity to see in real time, via portable HeartMath biofeedback monitors, the […]

Jaywalker Spring Alumni Trip – Moab, UT

“…to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host a friends, this is an experience you must not miss” Alcoholics Anonymous Page 89   It is no secret that this is one of my favorite passages in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, it epitomizes everything that the Jaywalker Alumni Program represents. […]

Hooked on Hot Yoga

    Take a yoga class? No way! A hot yoga class? An even crazier idea! That was my mindset. Yoga seemed like an activity for mystical and ridiculously flexible people, and I was neither. Now it has been 5 years of taking hot yoga classes. I’m still not mystical or very flexible, but I’m […]

There is one key to happiness: Gratitude

By: Dirk Eldredge   “There is one key to happiness: Gratitude. Gratitude and discontent cannot co-exist. They’re like light and darkness. Choose Gratitude daily and you will find joy.” Seems so simple right………. My recovery makes everything else possible in my life. Being a Father , a husband , a friend and a member of […]

Happy 5 year Anniversary to Alex C.

When Alexander Collins first entered the valley he was loud and rambunctious and you could never get him to just be silent……….ha. Seriously though, Alex was slaving away, working in a kitchen on the mountain that we call Snowmass until his dream job came up, Night Technician at THE Jaywalker Lodge. He jumped on it […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.