Maintaining Your Boundaries During Recovery
With the holidays around the corner, you’re bound to be bombarded with questions and expectations. Your extended family might ask inappropriate questions about your treatment. Your friends might ask you to attend parties where substances are present. Your loved ones might ask you to give up valuable time in favor of holiday shenanigans. This all […]
Benefits of Clean Eating During Recovery
Recovering from addiction doesn’t only mean recovering from substance use. It also includes recovering from a previous lifestyle. During your client’s addiction, chances are they didn’t take care of their body. They might not have eaten foods that were good for them, and they probably weren’t overly concerned with a balanced diet. However, many substances […]
Relationships and Recovery: Choosing Yourself, Choosing Your Partner
While in active addiction, the choices and decisions on how we spend our time, money, and efforts are all hinged on our drug of choice. As we enter recovery, it can be difficult to learn how to be an attentive partner and a caring friend. Since we have spent years and years catering only to […]
Relationships and Recovery: Maintaining Sobriety After a Breakup
Breakups can be devastating for anyone. For those who struggle with a substance use disorder, maintaining sobriety after a relationship ends can be a major challenge. Intense emotions such as jealousy, insecurity, and uncertainty can all be potential triggers. However, it’s very important that we do not give in to the negative emotions that are […]
Battling Boredom During Recovery
For those of us who associated “fun” with substance use for many years, boredom can be a leading cause of relapse, struggles, and anxiety. In order to cope with this, it is imperative that we restructure our idea of “fun” by building new hobbies and spending time with ourselves without drugs and alcohol. Sober Stimulation […]
Why Mental Health Is a Top Priority in Recovery
Years of substance use affect your body in more ways than you can imagine. But the side effects are not just limited to your physical health – they extend to your mental health as well. Physically, addiction to alcohol or drugs can have a negative impact on your heart, liver, kidneys, mouth, liver, throat, and […]
Don’t Fight It, Face It!
We often find people trying hard to end the bad habits of addiction with great frustration, anger, and a sense of hopelessness. This is especially true after many years of habitual substance use and the negative mental health effects that come with it. A person can easily find themselves trapped in a mentally traumatic situation […]
Dealing With Adversity in Recovery
Life is not all rainbows and butterflies, even when we are in the rooms of recovery. Adverse conditions arise in the lives of every human being on earth, no matter what. We all must occasionally leave the sunshine to deal with adversity. Tough times and struggles are not indictments on our strength, intelligence, or choices […]
What Is a Sponsor and Why Do I Need One?
Participating in a 12-Step recovery program for addiction involves more than just attending meetings. A successful program recommends that every person has a sponsor who will serve as an essential part of their recovery journey. It may be difficult to share experiences or tell your story in a group setting. You may feel more comfortable […]
Outside Issues: Healthy Relationships
Companionship, deep bonds, and the trust offered by family and friends can help us pull through life’s various challenges. This is especially true for those who seek recovery from addiction. Many of us would not have made progress if it wasn’t for the support of our loved ones. Even when you are in the middle […]