Clean & Sober 21st
Last week Jaywalker U student, Nate F, celebrated his 21st birthday. For the first time since being a teenager he was able to celebrate a birthday completely clean and sober. Friends of the community, staff, and even his family stopped by Jaywalker U for cake and 30 pounds of fresh east coast lobsters. Happy Birthday […]
JWU Transformation
Last week the Jaywalker U students did their second day of transformational work with Johann Aberger. For this we did a multi pitch climb up to the summit of Petit Blue, on Independence Pass. The focus of this workshop was to take our life purpose, which we developed in our first workshop, and create goals […]
The new clients at The Landing joined the students from Jaywalker U for a friendly game of paintball. Feelings ranged from anticipation to downright terror as the Landing suffered multiple defeats to the more experienced U team. Hundreds of rounds of paintballs flew for several hours before ammunition ran out and exhaustion set in. While […]
Jaywalker Attends CCSAD
Jaywalker attended and exhibited last week at the Cape Cod Symposium of Addictive Disorders in Hyannis, MA. Bob Ferguson presented on the progress of Jaywalker U and collegiate recovery. It was great to see our friends and colleagues on the east coast. We will be attending NCAD in Anaheim this week. Jaywalker representing coast to […]
How will YOU Rally ?
Science and Medicine can cure cancer. Radiation, chemotherapy and surgery can treat the disease. Yet healing a person takes more. It requires a comprehensive approach that treats the whole person – mind , body ,and spirit.” Elaine Grossman, head of Rally the Valley Sponsorship team, said, ” Cancer is going to affect 1 in 3 […]
Curve Balls
Curve balls are not only a part of baseball, they are a fact of life. What happens to the college student who leaves home for college with a career plan that has been a dream since childhood and then becomes disillusioned? What happens to the student who starts his college career with one particular major […]
S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Jaywalker U students are taking one day at a time, a skill they learned in treatment. But now that they have amassed months of living a day at a time, they are also looking toward a future that is much brighter than the future of their past. Each new student who enters into Jaywalker U […]
3.93 GPA
Summer semester grades are in! Everyone here at Jaywalker would like to congratulate the Jaywalker U students for completing the 2013 summer semester with a house GPA of a 3.93. During our addiction a lot of us found it impossible to get good grades but when we entered into recovery it became a whole different […]
World Suicide Prevention Day
Today is September 10, 2013, and for those of you who do not know, it is World Suicide Prevention day. I remember sitting in math class as a child and debating large numbers with fellow students. What came before infinity? 1,000,000. It is an extremely large and staggering number. It is also the approximation of […]
Changes in GED Testing
There will be a change in the current GED test on January 1, 2014. Colorado Mountain College is encouraging all students and the community to complete every section of the test beforehand. Those who do not pass every section before the end of 2013 will have to start over in January. For anyone seeking support […]