Top Town has ranked Glenwood Springs, Colorado sixth in Top 10 Small Towns for 2014.  The basis for the awards include:  good schools, great medical facilities, vibrant cultural scenes, recreational opportunities, healthy lifestyles, and temperate climate.  Livability researches cities with a population of less than 20,000 and then uses 41 data points to determine their ranking.  […]

The 43rd Annual Carbondale Mountain Fair

It’s that time of year! Make plans this weekend to attend Carbondale’s Mountain Fair. The Carbondale Mountain Fair is known for arts and crafts,  entertainment, great food and a lot of fun. Over 300 volunteers work together to make this one of the most popular and unique fairs in Colorado, and admission is FREE. Jaywalker U […]

3.71 GPA

Everyone here at Jaywalker would like to congratulate the Jaywalker U students for completing the 2014 spring semester with a house GPA of 3.71. During our addiction a lot of us were incapable of going to college, not to mention getting good grades. Here at Jaywalker U the students are showing us that recovery, college, […]

Live Well Colorado

Live Well is a state wide challenge to encourage community members to get moving and get well.  There are numerous communities across the state, 181 to be exact, who are part of the challenge to eat healthy and exercise at least 30 minutes daily for 30 days.  Carbondale finished in first place for Garfield County […]

CMC Fall Semester 2014

Fall Semester is almost here! Registration for fall semester classes starts Monday, July 28th.   There are many courses available at the four satellite campuses in the Roaring Fork Valley—Aspen, Carbondale, Spring Valley, and Glenwood Springs.  There are bachelor’s degree options in business administration, sustainable studies, and now nursing.  Pass the word to all alumni and […]

Single Binge Episode

Results of a small study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) indicate that one single binge episode (BAC at or above 0.08g/dl) can cause immune system reactions.  The study of 11 men and 14 women revealed that a single binge episode caused “bacteria to leak from the gut and increase the levels of […]

Association of Recovery in Higher Education

June 3rd-6th I attended the 5th Annual Association of Recovery in Higher Education in Minneapolis, hosted by Augsburg’s StepUp Program.  I was blessed to be among colleagues whose mission in life is the same as mine–helping young men and women in recovery who want to be sober college students.  With the high rates of drinking […]

WUE: Western Undergraduate Exchange

The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program is an opportunity for students in the Western states to receive reduced tuition at participating two-year and four-year institutions.  In order to participate, students need to be a resident in one of the following states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South […]

Chef Brian Turns 34

1980 – Mount St. Helen’s erupted, John Lennon was assassinated, Ronald Reagan was elected, the Pac-Man game was released, Blues Brothers made its film debut, parachute pants and leg warmers were the fad and Chef Brian was born.  And, who shot JR?   Many of you may have no knowledge on any of these, but since […]

JWU Rec Day

Every Friday the Jaywalker U students head out into the Rocky Mountains for a day of fun in sobriety. Today the JWU students spent the day golfing in beautiful Glenwood Springs, CO. Jaywalker U Student and golf extraordinaire, Sam S, taught all the students the basics of golf. It’s amazing how much fun a group […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.