We Can’t Go It Alone…

There’s an old proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” In recovery, this proverb holds true – although if you travel alone, the only place you go fast is into a relapse. In our lives prior to getting sober, we likely spent a […]

Why Drug Decriminalization Might Help With Treatment and Recovery

A man is arrested for drug possession.

When it comes to substance use disorders, there tends to be a barrier of care for those sentenced for drug possession. Oregon became the first state to decriminalize all illegal drugs fully. Whether or not decriminalization can make the jobs of healthcare workers easier is hotly debated. Still, there is a chance that decriminalization might […]

Brotherly Love: The Community We Have Built

If you’ve recently been through our treatment center, you’ve met our alumni who’ve shared their stories and offered encouragement. Our alumni provide a powerful perspective when they tell our clients their unique recovery journey. Additionally, they set an example of what successful sobriety looks like. Through service, attending 12-Step meetings, providing guidance through sponsorship, and […]

Why Does Jaywalker Allow Our Clients to Interact With the Community?

Trust exercise. Cheerful people hugging during group therapy session, panorama, free space

One stereotype of recovery centers is that they are places where people hide to get better. People view recovery as a time where a person with addiction sequesters themself from society for treatment. The fear is that interacting with “regular people” will only tempt the person with addiction. However, the truth is that isolation from […]

Men’s Issues: I Don’t Want To Lose My Friends

friends in recovery

It may or may not be surprising to hear that one of the most common concerns for those of us who are new to recovery is the potential loss of friends. We may fear that our friends will abandon us once we adopt the recovery lifestyle or, on the flip side, that we will have […]

How Can I Change Everything?


When we are new in recovery, we often hear the silly slogan “The only thing you have to change is everything.” It’s said in jest, but it’s also true to a large degree. For those of us who are new to recovery, this can seem like a tall order. Never mind the fact that we’re […]

Closeness in This Time of Distance


It’s far too easy to feel totally isolated and disconnected these days. Many of us have spent a long time separated from our loved ones, families, friends, and recovery community. We’ve been apart for a long time — and whether we’re in recovery or not, human beings are not meant to live in isolation. We […]

The Society of Our Fellows

community in recovery

Isolation and “Lone Wolf syndrome” are extremely common modes of operation for alcoholics and addicts. The reason why going solo is so popular among people like us is complicated. It’s partly because we are defiant, independent people, and partly because we are often very emotionally sensitive people. We like to do our own thing and […]

The Value of Our Communities


Almost every human alive is part of a community. We can define community in multiple ways. The most common meaning is “a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. Community can also mean “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, […]

The Upside of Responsibility

responsibility in recovery

Here at Jaywalker Lodge, we do everything with purpose. There are no arbitrary or frivolous decisions made here, ever. Before you get worried that we’re too serious or stern, please take a closer look. We’re serious about helping men find lasting recovery, and we’re serious about the choices we make and the things we do. […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.