Beyond the Physical Addiction
Providing the groundwork for successful long-term recovery from alcoholism and addiction is far from a simple task. This particular disease is one of the most complex and misunderstood conditions that people suffer from. Never mind the highly common conditions that frequently co-occur with alcoholism and addiction, such as trauma and emotional health issues. For many […]
The Connection Between Body And Mind
The connection between our bodies and our minds may seem obvious at face value. Still, integrating all our parts as physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental beings have long been one of the most explored elements of human life. The reason this topic has been pondered and discussed for so long isn’t lack of information or […]
Living in the Gray Areas
Whether you are an alcoholic or addict or not, life has a rhythm all its own. It’s not always extreme ups and downs, nor is it always monotonous. Sometimes life is fast-paced and hectic, and sometimes things seem to drag on. We’ve all heard the phrase “This too shall pass.” Yet we don’t often catch that this […]
Can the 12-Steps Help with Other Addictions?
Alcoholism and addiction are often misunderstood terms. There is a difference between a hard drinker and an alcoholic, although it is a subtle difference. To understand it, most people would have to be intimately familiar with what makes one an alcoholic. Addiction is another term that gets misused too often. Alcoholism and addiction are manifestations […]
The Differences and Similarities Between Alcoholism and Addiction
Alcoholism and addiction are often mentioned in the same breath. They are often even experienced simultaneously. In the modern age, many who abuse alcohol also abuse drugs or other addictive substances, yet many stick to one or the other. All of this combines to create a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding surrounding alcoholism and […]
Treating Depression in Recovery
Among alcoholics and addicts both in and out of recovery, issues of mental and emotional health are highly prevalent. All of these issues — from substance abuse and recovery to mental and emotional health problems — often have correlating causes and sources. Just as often, they have related treatments and solutions as well. Some studies […]
Men’s Issues: The Hole in the Doughnut
At Jaywalker, we help men who struggle with achieving long-term recovery from alcoholism and addiction. We particularly seek to reach the ones who can’t seem to stay in recovery, despite the honest desire to do so. These are the Jaywalkers, just like we were. By being part of this specific population of alcoholics and addicts, […]
Finding Serenity in Calamity
No ocean, no matter how beautiful, is calm all the time. There will inevitably be storms. But when we sailed the ocean of life in our active alcoholism and addiction, we were sailing with a boatload of extra trouble. Now that we have entered recovery at Jaywalker Lodge, our ship is no longer making things […]
How Can I Encourage Someone In Recovery?
Most of us have a loved one who has struggled with alcoholism or addiction at some point in their lives, whether it’s a child, a significant other, a parent, or a friend. Much of our questions and concerns revolve around what to do to help them when they are in their active disease. We have […]
Embracing the Good in Life
Most alcoholics and addicts unwittingly become accustomed to negative circumstances, high-stress feelings, and what we often call “bad luck.” While everyday life does sometimes bring these things, it’s seldom as negative and stressful as our life in active alcoholism or addiction was. Unfortunately, many alcoholics and addicts like us get so used to the worst […]