Can My Life Ever Really Get Back On Track?

getting back on track

Alcoholism and addiction affect our lives in so many ways. Some of those effects are similar. All of us who are alcoholics or addicts know the struggle with the mental obsession, the physical allergy, and the disease’s spiritual malady. It is these characteristic symptoms that bind all of us together in our common solution. This […]

Complacency in Recovery (and How to Avoid It)

Complacency in Recovery

Everybody loves to feel enthusiastic and excited about things. However, as alcoholics and addicts, we are warned to avoid overexposure to enthusiasm and excitement. We are told not to chase after these feelings because we can get hooked on intense feelings like those we got used to in our active disease. It can lead us […]

What Does ‘’Dependence on a Higher Power” Actually Look Like?

dependence on a higher power

Whether we are an alcoholic or addict, both, or neither, we’ve likely had some experience with the various styles of spirituality that people engage in. Whatever we believe or practice — or don’t believe and don’t practice — we are likely aware of many of the ways that people engage with the spiritual side of […]

Outside Issues: Belief, Faith, Spirituality, and Religion

Outside Issues: Belief, Faith, Spirituality, and Religion

It’s an old code of good manners to never talk about money, politics, or religion in public. There are plenty of people who can get away with following that code. But for alcoholics and addicts like us, we’re going to have to talk about it at some point. We can go ahead and steer clear […]

How Do I Deal With My Grief?

Grief is a natural part of life. At some point in our lives, all of us will have cause to grieve. It is healthy to experience grief at certain times. Yet, we often do not talk about unpleasant things, even when it might be helpful to discuss them — so here we are. Grief will […]

Can the 12-Steps Really Help With All My Problems?

Can the 12-Steps Really Help With All My Problems?

Alcoholism and addiction are extremely problematic diseases. They cause a whole host of unique and troubling issues. They stem from internal problems within us, but they wreak absolute havoc across every area of our lives. This can create a really overwhelming pile-up of problems. But do not despair — every single day in the fellowship […]

Why “Healing” and “Patience” Can Be Hard Words to Hear

Why “Healing” and “Patience” Can Be Hard Words to Hear

For most alcoholics and addicts, healing and patience are words that can leave us feeling uncomfortable. We aren’t always so sure that our wounds can be healed, whether they’re physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Patience isn’t something we’re very familiar with or fond of either. But it’s important, no matter where we are in our […]

Do the 12-Steps Really Work?

This is a complicated and even controversial question in some circles. The short answer is yes. The long answer is also yes – but there are some things to consider. For many alcoholics and addicts, even if they have trauma or mental health issues, the 12-Steps have meant the difference between life and death. The […]

Surrender to Win

Surrender to Win

“Surrender to win” is a phrase that doesn’t make much sense at first glance. If we do understand it, it’s usually received as a pretty unpalatable proposition. As recovery literature says, “Who cares to admit complete defeat? Practically none of us…” The literature also says that defiance is the chief characteristic of most alcoholics. So […]

Looking Forward to Today

In our disease, it can seem almost impossible to look forward to the day ahead. Today is just another grind to appease our domineering addiction – just a struggle to survive, to get the next drink or drug. The past is a blur of pain and regret. Tomorrow is a source of worry and fear […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.