Dave Santini Celebrates 7 Years
It is with gratitude and respect that today we celebrate 7 years of recovery with Dave. Jaywalker has been fortunate to have his expertise and guidance in working with men in recovery. On a personal note, I had the opportunity to attend my first Jaywalker expedition as a client in 2009 with Dave. On a retreat to Crested Butte with other Jaywalker clients, Dave facilitated an expedition which included a number of activities and chance to bond with men in early recovery. Waking up the first morning with a hungry crew, and Dave prepping our fly fishing gear, I asked, “What’s for breakfast?” Dave responded as if I should have known it was going to be an epic day, “pancakes and fly fishing”, and resumed tying flies. It was a moment I was able to see the group of men around me and how simple recovery could be. Yes, I was in treatment. No, I had never had an approach to recovery that involved friends, comradery, recreation, health, happiness, service, mentor-ship and teaching. It was all right in front of me, and I was reminded to keep it simple, trust people that have walked before me, eat together, and be present for each other. Thanks for the guidance Dave, and congratulations on 7 years.
-Patrick Shaffer