EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy can help you find healing from past wounds, diminish cravings and triggers that contribute to substance abuse.

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Home Rehab for Men in Colorado Men’s Primary Care Model of Care Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

At Jaywalker, we understand that addiction frequently originates from underlying factors like trauma and emotional distress. That’s why we provide Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. This powerful technique enables you to confront and address the underlying causes of your addiction. Through EMDR therapy, you can find healing from past wounds, diminish the cravings and triggers that contribute to substance abuse, and acquire healthier coping mechanisms.

Understanding Addiction and Trauma

When it comes to addiction, it’s essential to recognize the strong connection it often has with trauma. Trauma refers to any distressing or disturbing event that leaves a lasting impact on you. This could be anything from childhood abuse to a car accident or even the loss of a loved one. When you experience trauma, it can deeply affect you emotionally and psychologically. Often, people turn to substances like drugs or alcohol as a way to cope with the pain and distress caused by trauma. This can lead to the development of addiction as a means of self-medication. So, if you’re struggling with addiction, it’s essential to understand that there may be underlying trauma that needs to be addressed in order to recover fully.

Effects of Untreated Trauma in Recovery

If trauma remains untreated during your recovery journey, it can have serious consequences. Untreated trauma can continue to fuel addictive behaviors, making it harder for you to maintain sobriety. You may find yourself experiencing intense cravings and triggers that drive you back to using substances as a way to cope. Additionally, untreated trauma can negatively impact your mental health, leading to conditions like anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These mental health issues can further complicate your recovery process and increase the risk of relapse. That’s why it’s crucial to address and process any underlying trauma as part of your recovery journey. Doing so can pave the way for long-lasting healing and sobriety.

What is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR, which stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a therapy designed to assist individuals in processing and recovering from distressing experiences. This therapeutic approach was developed by psychologist Dr. Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s. She discovered that specific eye movements could help reduce the intensity of disturbing thoughts and memories. Since then, EMDR has become widely used to treat various mental health issues, including trauma, anxiety, and addiction.

How EMDR Works

EMDR works by helping you process traumatic memories in a safe and controlled way. During an EMDR therapy session, your therapist will ask you to focus on a troubling memory while following their hand movements with your eyes. This bilateral stimulation helps your brain process the memory and its associated emotions. Over time, the memory becomes less distressing, and you can start to feel more at peace with it. EMDR doesn’t erase the memory, but it helps you process it in a way that makes it less overwhelming.

The Process of EMDR Therapy

Initial Assessment and Preparation

Before starting EMDR therapy, you’ll have an initial assessment with your therapist. During this time, you’ll talk about your reasons for seeking therapy and discuss any past traumas or difficult experiences you’ve had. Your therapist will also explain how EMDR works and what to expect during the process. Together, you’ll decide if EMDR therapy is the right fit for you.

Phases of EMDR Treatment

  • History Taking: In the first phase, you’ll work with your therapist to identify specific memories or experiences you want to process during EMDR therapy. These may be memories related to trauma, addiction, or other challenging situations.
  • Preparation: Your therapist will help you learn relaxation techniques and coping skills to use during EMDR sessions. You’ll also discuss any concerns or fears you have about the process and how to manage them.
  • Assessment: In this stage, you’ll center your attention on a particular memory while your therapist leads you through bilateral stimulation, which could involve eye movements or tapping. This helps activate your brain’s natural healing processes and allows you to process the memory in a new way.
  • Desensitization: As you continue to process the memory, you may notice that it becomes less distressing and overwhelming. This phase involves reducing the emotional intensity of the memory and creating new, more positive associations.
    Installation: In this phase, you’ll focus on strengthening positive beliefs and emotions related to the memory. Your therapist will help you reinforce feelings of safety, empowerment, and self-worth.
  • Body Scan: Your therapist will guide you through a body scan to ensure that there are no remaining physical sensations or tension related to the memory.
  • Closure: Concluding each session, your therapist will help you transition back to the present moment and ensure that you feel grounded and safe. You’ll also discuss any insights or experiences that came up during the session.
  • Reevaluation: Throughout the EMDR process, your therapist will periodically check in to assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. This helps ensure you get the most out of your therapy sessions and continue to make positive strides toward healing and recovery.

Benefits of EMDR for Addiction Treatment

EMDR therapy brings several advantages for those grappling with addiction, offering a comprehensive method for recovery that tackles underlying trauma and its influence on addictive behaviors. Here’s how EMDR therapy can benefit you in your journey towards overcoming addiction:

  • Addresses the root causes of addiction by helping you process past traumas.
  • Reduces cravings and triggers associated with addiction, making it easier to resist the urge to use substances.
  • Teaches healthier coping skills for managing emotions and promoting emotional regulation.
  • Heals trauma, lowering the risk of relapse and supporting long-term recovery.
  • Fosters self-awareness and insight, helping you identify triggers and patterns linked to addiction.
  • It enables you to develop resilience to stress and adversity, empowering you to face challenges more adaptively.
  • Supports holistic healing, nurturing your overall well-being and leading to a fulfilling recovery journey.

Start Your Journey to Recovery Now

At Jaywalker, we offer EMDR therapy as a powerful pathway to holistic healing from addiction. By diving into the underlying trauma that often fuels addictive behaviors, we provide the tools and support you will need to embark on a transformative journey of recovery. Through EMDR therapy, you can find solace from past wounds, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and regain control over your life. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re ready to embrace a brighter future. Let EMDR therapy guide you on your path to recovery and start your journey to healing today.

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