How Can I Give Back This Holiday Season?

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Service is a cornerstone of 12-Step communities. During the season of giving, you might wonder how you can help your community. The holidays bring plenty of opportunities to help your fellow man. You might even consider continuing these opportunities into the winter. Try out one of these ideas this year or research what is going on in your community. Be sure to check in with your local organization about their current Covid-19 restrictions.

Volunteer for an Organization

The holidays bring plenty of opportunities to donate your time to help charities and nonprofit organizations during the season. The time you set aside to help others in your community can be accomplished virtually or in person, depending on their needs. Volunteer work can include helping out at a soup kitchen, helping other volunteers at an animal shelter, joining a group making care packages, or delivering food to families in need. Many charities during this time are dedicated to helping families who are unable to celebrate the holidays due to unfortunate circumstances such as poverty, homelessness, family overseas, or family incarcerated. There are plenty of ways to support those in need by donating your time to help others.

Jaywalker Lodge participates in several programs that work to improve the community. Jaywalkers are proud to volunteer their time with Habitat for Humanity, Aspen Homeless Shelter, Colorado Animal Shelter, and many other organizations in Colorado and across the United States.

Donate to Your Favorite Cause

If time is an issue, then consider giving to the less fortunate. Many nonprofits state what they need most in donations is money. Many nonprofits already have resources for goods at a discounted price. The monetary contributions allow nonprofits to buy what they need for their organization and better serve their community. Research your favorite cause to ensure that the money is going to the right place. Many nonprofits are required to disclose their budget and expenses. Once you feel good about your charity and its message, donate what you can, and ask your friends and family to donate too.

Attend a Goods Drive

Many events are held during the holiday season where the community is encouraged to donate food or toys to their local charity. Check in with your community to see if any are throwing a toy drive or a food drive and donate what you can. Ask your children if they have any toys they would be willing to contribute to a child less fortunate. Check your pantry for nonperishables collecting dust. Buy supplies to make care packages for the less fortunate. There are plenty of options. Giving away excess to someone in your community who needs it more will leave you with a warm feeling because you helped someone today.

Run For Charity

If you’re athletic, there are plenty of ways to run for a cause, even if there aren’t any official events in your area. Since Covid-19 has made it difficult to host events safely, many running charities have started online races where runners can choose a nonprofit and run for that cause. Family and friends can donate online to the charity they are running for, which keeps athletes safe as they run for a good cause.

Host Your Own Event

If you have the time, consider hosting your own event to give back to your community. It might seem daunting, but hosting a charity event can be exciting. The event doesn’t need to be enormous. During the holiday, you can include your closest friends and family and donate money, donate time, or gather resources for a good cause. Accomplishing this might seem huge, but the fantastic feeling it’ll leave you with will be worth it. Your event can be online or in-person, following recommended Covid-19 guidelines.

Keep Your Community Healthy

It might seem small, but taking the time to stay healthy and keep your community healthy, can have a considerable impact. Unfortunately, we’re still in the middle of a global pandemic. Continuing safe practices that can benefit your community is an excellent way as we beat Covid-19. Wash hands, social distance, wear a mask indoors, and encourage your friends and family to get the vaccine. Keeping yourself healthy and your loved ones healthy will ensure that the community stays healthy as you do your part.

Additionally, we recommend getting the flu vaccine as winter approaches. Flu season can negatively impact those in our community who are most vulnerable. By getting vaccinated, washing hands, and staying home if sick, you protect those who are the most susceptible to illness.

One of the most important parts of the holiday season is taking the time to give back to your community. Donating your time or things can help you feel grateful for what you already have. We often take things like shelter, food, and time with our loved ones for granted. This season consider serving your community through the power of giving. There are endless ways you can support those in need and fill your heart with joy from helping your fellow man.

Jaywalker Lodge participates in numerous charities and nonprofits because we know how essential these organizations are for the less fortunate. Giving back is one of the main focal points of the 12-Step philosophy because of how helping others can impact a person’s road to recovery. To learn more about giving back to the community of Carbondale, Colorado, and the Aspen area, call Jaywalker Lodge today at (866) 529-9255. 

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Stefan Bate, MA, LAC, CCTP Chief Clinical Officer
Stefan Bate, BA, MA, LAC holds a Master's Degree in Applied Psychology from Regis University and is a Licensed Addiction Counselor in the state of Colorado. Stefan has wide-ranging experience in the field of addiction recovery including: working as a recovery coach, therapist, and program director.

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