Clif Bryant, self-proclaimed Golf Director, celebrates two years of last Saturday. Clif is a man of many talents. Not only is he in charge of the golf program here at Jaywalker Lodge, he is simultaneously managing to blossom into a master barista at Boomerang Coffee Company. Clif takes his job as a barista very seriously, and prepares each drink with a level of intensity unparalleled by any barista to come before him. However, his interests extend beyond his employment. While he hails from Texas, he is a staunch supporter of the Democratic Party, and enjoys talking politics with like-minded individuals.
Clif is not only a close friend of mine, but a roommate as well. I have always believed him to be a great person, and after living together for the past several months this belief has only been affirmed. Thanks for being a great friend, roommate, and co-worker. I love you man and congratulations. Also, I need a check for rent it’s due today!
Kevin Wilson
Residential Technician
Jaywalker Lodge