Looking Forward to Today…

In our disease, it can seem almost impossible to look forward to the day ahead. Today is just another grind to appease our domineering addiction – just a struggle to survive, to get the next drink or drug. The past is a blur of pain and regret. Tomorrow is a source of worry and fear […]

Inner Work Should Continue After Treatment

Inner Work Should Continue After Treatment

During treatment, you took an inventory of your inner thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. You might have found things you didn’t like and worked on them. However, working on yourself shouldn’t stop after treatment. Here’s why inner work is something you should take part in at least once a year after recovery. Taking a Deep Look […]

Gendered Programing and How It Helps Our Clients

Men in recovery from addiction talk before an AA meeting.

Treatment programs across the country are often separated by gender. Co-ed programs exist but tend to be rare for a reason. Jaywalker Lodge is specifically a men’s program, allowing our programming to focus solely on male mental health. Here are the reasons why gendered programming exists and why addressing the needs of a specific gender […]

The Pros and Cons of Virtual Care

The Pros and Cons of Virtual Care

The Covid-19 Pandemic caused the world to socially distance, and for mental health professionals, it caused them to rethink treatment practices. While video calling has made it possible for some to seek treatment safely, some aspects of virtual care might not live up to face-to-face appointments or might even be dangerous to a person’s recovery. […]

My Finances Are in Shambles, Where Do I Start?

My Finances Are in Shambles, Where Do I Start?

One of the many consequences of addiction tends to be financial debt. Whether it comes from legal fees, debt due to addiction, ignoring financial obligations, or finding a job to afford bills, rebuilding your finances can feel like a nightmare. It can be overwhelming to face your financial woes but ignoring them only compounds the […]

Fighting Shame After Treatment: How Can I Forgive Myself?

Fighting Shame After Treatment: How Can I Forgive Myself?

Shame is a familiar feeling among those struggling with addiction. Many recovering from addiction might feel ashamed of their addiction and the pain it caused others. There is a heavy stigma against those fighting the disease; however, it’s possible to break free from this stigma and allow yourself grace. While there might have been ways […]

How Do I Know What Treatment Program Is Right for Me?

How Do I Know What Treatment Program Is Right for Me?

Depending on the severity of your addiction, or any co-occurring mental health disorders, your treatment plan might vary. There are plenty of different plans that consider your needs as an individual. Whether you are a single parent who needs to be available for their child after school or require time to attend school or work, […]

Restoring Trust After Treatment: Will They Ever Trust Me Again?

Restoring Trust After Treatment: Will They Ever Trust Me Again?

Many end up rupturing personal bonds during the worst parts of their addiction. You might say or do things you wouldn’t normally do when you’re at your worst. Building trust takes time and effort on both sides. Some relationships might not be salvageable. However, there’s still hope for some of your relationships once the healing […]

New Year, New Me: The Journey of Rebuilding After Treatment

New Year, New Me: The Journey of Rebuilding After Treatment

The New Year is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. Your journey after treatment consists of working from the ground up to rebuild your new life and your new you. The process of rebuilding your life after addiction is never easy because there is so much to do. Breaking down how you build […]

How Can I Cope With Temptation in Recovery?

For those of us new to the rooms of recovery, the temptation can be a part of everyday life early on. The good news is, many of us find what the book Alcoholics Anonymous says to be true; “We are not fighting it, neither are we avoiding temptation. We feel as though we had been […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.