It All Begins With “Forgiving Yourself” First
History of addiction to alcohol or any other substance can have a long-lasting impact on a person’s recovery as well as their post-recovery life. Incidences of family/social conflict, rude/unacceptable behavior while under the influence, domestic violence, etc. can easily convert into a lifetime of shame and guilt. However, it is up to you as an […]
How to Overcome Chaos and Be Present
Life can be chaotic and messy. Life in recovery is no tidier. You’ll have a daily schedule to keep up with. You have groups to attend and therapists to talk to. Things can get quite busy. Sometimes a day or a week flies by without you even realizing it. Learning how to rise above this […]
Outside Issues: Healthy Relationships
Companionship, deep bonds, and the trust offered by family and friends can help us pull through life’s various challenges. This is especially true for those who seek recovery from addiction. Many of us would not have made progress if it wasn’t for the support of our loved ones. Even when you are in the middle […]
I Have Anxiety, Can Recovery Help Me?
Many, if not most people who struggle with alcoholism and addiction in recovery experience at least one co-occurring mental or emotional issue. It’s incredibly common amongst those of us in recovery. Depression and anxiety have both long been known to be exacerbated by alcoholism and addiction, as well as themselves amping up the symptoms of […]
What Can I Do About Persistent Character Defects?
All people have character traits they don’t like about themselves. Those who do their best to avoid these traits from coming through will find themselves feeling this way most often. There’s a lot to be said for those who are self-aware enough to feel these traits may be affecting them negatively, but what can you […]
Taking Our Wellness Seriously
In early recovery, we are introduced to many new modes of living that we never knew before. It’s easy to see how things involving our general health and wellness went by the wayside when we were living in active alcoholism and addiction. Now, in recovery, we have the time, energy, and opportunity to pay attention […]
Have Patience With Yourself
It’s a safe bet that you have a lot going on right now. We all have busy lives that are always changing, especially in recovery. There is always some 12 Step work to do, a meeting to attend, or somebody we can help! Particularly for those who are new to recovery, it may seem like […]
Dealing With Frustration
Recovery is obviously a true blessing in our lives. For alcoholics and addicts, recovery is among the greatest gifts we could ever receive. Working the Twelve Steps changes nearly every part of our lives, and it often changes us in ways that make us much happier and more peaceful. However, life is still life, even […]
Men’s Issues: Healthy Sex Conduct
If we’re an adult male of any stripe, the odds are good that sex is a pretty big part of our life. Especially if we’re a man in recovery for alcoholism or addiction, there’s a whole section of inventory just for sexual conduct. It’s clearly pretty important. It’s also a minefield for a whole mess […]
The Best Ways To Deal With Being Overwhelmed
As much as we’d all like it to be, life is not always smooth sailing. Sometimes things just happen. Maybe it’s bad timing, perhaps we just got behind little by little, or it could just be too much all at once. Being overwhelmed is a normal part of life. And it happens to everyone, whether […]