What Is Sober Living and Why Should I Go There?

What Is Sober Living and Why Should I Go There?

Jaywalker Lodge believes in helping alcoholics and addicts every step of the way in recovery, so we’re especially glad to talk about sober living. Sober living is the transitional living environment between intense addiction recovery treatment and independent recovery living. In other words, sober living is the buffer between working the recovery program in a […]

Celebrating Every Victory

celebrating victory

It’s a major part of the Western mindset to focus on avoiding bad things rather than embracing good things, but especially with alcoholics and addicts like us. We love to focus on the negative, worry about escaping crisis, or generally sell ourselves short. Too often, we forget to celebrate the victories (big or small), embrace […]

How Can I Change Everything?


When we are new in recovery, we often hear the silly slogan “The only thing you have to change is everything.” It’s said in jest, but it’s also true to a large degree. For those of us who are new to recovery, this can seem like a tall order. Never mind the fact that we’re […]

Outside Issues: Diet and Nutrition

diet and nutrition

We take on a lot in early recovery. Pretty much everything about our lifestyle changes. We have new things to do like attending meetings and working the 12 Steps. We have a whole new community of friends in the recovery fellowship. We find fun new ways to spend our time sober and reinforce the joy […]

I Think It’s Too Late For Me. Can I Really Start Over?


First things first — it’s never too late. If you’re still breathing, there is still time left. Don’t give up hope, and don’t give up on yourself. If you’re struggling with addiction, there is a solution — and it really works! Thousands of us have been where you are now, and we are happy and […]

Jaywalker Programs: The Landing and the Lodge

Jaywalker Lodge

Jaywalker Lodge is a special place. Perhaps we’re a little biased, but years of experience and personal understanding of recovery have helped us grow into a place that’s different in a lot of really helpful ways. At Jaywalker Lodge, our passion and sole purpose are to help men find lasting, long-term recovery. It’s a cause […]

The Upside of Responsibility

The Upside of Responsibility in Recovery

Here at Jaywalker Lodge, we do everything with purpose. There are no arbitrary or frivolous decisions made here, ever. Before you get worried that we’re too serious or stern, please take a closer look. We’re serious about helping men find lasting recovery, and we’re serious about the choices we make and the things we do. […]

Expeditions Both Outside and Inside

Expeditions Both Outside and Inside

Jaywalker Lodge stands out for many reasons, and we don’t say that to brag. The only reason we even mention it is because we believe the things we do differently are the exact things that make a real difference in saving the lives of alcoholics and addicts. We don’t say we stand out to make […]

Principles Before Personalities

Principles Before Personalities

For any alcoholic or addict newly introduced to the program of recovery, it is incredibly likely to hear the phrase “principles before personalities” at pretty much every meeting we attend. We’ll hear it said a lot in general. But what exactly does it mean? And what is it trying to tell us? Personalities Most of […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.