Building Brotherhood in Recovery: Why Community Matters for Men

Brotherhood in Recovery

Recovery is a journey that can feel deeply personal, yet it’s a path that no one has to walk alone. For men, recovery often brings up unique challenges. Many guys find it tough to share their struggles openly or ask for help. At Jaywalker, we see time and again how important community is for men […]

The Benefits of Digitally Disconnecting

The Benefits of Digitally Disconnecting

Amid this current era of technology, it can be challenging to put down electronic devices and enjoy the real world. At the Lodge, we ask our clients not to use cellphones and laptops while in treatment. This article will explore how unplugging can allow you to better experience the world authentically. Unplug for the Day […]

Partying or Problem?

is your partying a problem

Whether you’re in a college setting or not, sometimes you may find yourself asking the following question: Do I have a problem with alcohol? Young men are more likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol than young women. This experimenting can involve the amount you drink or use and the types of drugs you use. […]

Outdoor Activities Are More Than Just Fun: They’re Healing

Time and time again, research has shown the importance of sunshine for mental and physical health. Sunshine gives us vitamin D, which is a mood booster and helps promote physical health. However, there are many other benefits to being active outdoors, as well.  The benefits of being outdoors extended to social and natural health, as […]

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

Feeling good is something we all might take for granted. When we feel good, we do not think about what we did to get to that point or what can help us stay resilient to frustrations throughout our day. However, when we are feeling low, depressed, or anxious, pinpointing the reasons is not so difficult. […]

Reemerging From Lockdown

In most places around the world, things are slowly, and sometimes quickly, beginning to return to some version of “normal.” As the new “business as usual” begins to settle in, many of us are experiencing a kind of system shock, after such a dramatic, chaotic, and isolated period of time. There is much to consider […]

People Need People

People Need People in Recovery

For those of us familiar with recovery, we are already well aware of the big fact that we simply cannot recover alone. We need each other. People need people in every walk of life, but it is especially true for those of us in recovery from alcoholism and addiction. It is a fact of our […]

Why Does Meditation Help?

Why Does Meditation Help?

Helping others requires us to take care of ourselves. Taking care of ourselves involves many different caretaking strategies, but one of the ways we can take care of ourselves is through meditation. Meditation is not just about breathing or chanting, although that is often what people think of first. There are many different forms of […]

The Importance of Nutrition

When taking care of our clients, it is easy to forget to take care of ourselves. Writing notes during lunch breaks and focusing on making sure our clients are okay are both easy ways for us to forego proper nutrition. We need to remember that we are examples for everyone we encounter. If we don’t […]

Staying Safe During Summer Party Season

Everybody likes to have fun, especially when the sun is shining and summer is in full effect! There’s always plenty to do all summer long — from simple hang-outs to big adventures, summertime is definitely party season. What does that mean for those of us in recovery from alcoholism and addiction? Aren’t we supposed to […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.