Rocky Turns 10
Happy 10th Birthday Rocky!! Rocky, though you like to fly under the lights of recognition, we must congratulate you! What you mean to Jaywalker Lodge can not be put into words, you are the very fabric that binds us together. Please take a moment Rocky and reflect on all that you bring to this world […]
Boomerang Open Mic
Every 3rd Thursday of the month Boomerang Coffee Company puts on an Open Mic Night for the Carbondale Community. The next Open Mic Night is scheduled for April 16th from 7pm-10pm. Come enjoy live music, poetry, and Boomerangs full service coffee bar. We hope to see you there! Donnie Hagenbart Admissions & Marketing Manager Jaywalker […]
Revised Ride CMC Schedule
Ride CMC – Spring 2015 Shuttle Schedule, Revised 2/23/15 RIDE CMC is a shuttle service operating Monday – Thursday between CMC-Spring Valley, Thunder River Market (RFTA connection), CMC-Glenwood and CMC-Carbondale providing free transportation to classes for students. CMC student ID required to ride (or photo ID plus your class schedule) For information call 947-8200 Morning […]
Green is the New Black
The past Friday, March 13th and Saturday, March 14th, Carbondale Community Arts and Humanities (CCAH) produced their 7th Annual Green is the New Black Fashion Show. Their theme this year was: Underground. The performance was full of locals, performance art, inspiring sustainable fashion and a storyline to boot, this show isn’t just entertaining– it was […]
Congrats Kevin
Currently my record against Kevin in “Trivia Crack” is 6 and 6. It is important to note, however, that I won the last 4 games that we played against each other, in a row, and then Kevin quit playing the game all together… I am undefeated against Kevin’s mom. Kevin quit playing “Regular Crack” 3 […]
Congrats Stanley
On March 10, Stanley Jones celebrates his third consecutive year in sobriety. Through out and during the past three years Stanley has become one of my closest friends. I have watched him grow and mature but most importantly I have seen him impact the lives of many. By being an honest, loyal, outgoing and dedicated […]
NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness
Clients, staff and alumni are invited to attend an In Our Own Voice (IOOV) presentation at the Lodge. When: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Time: 3:00-4:00 PM Where: Jaywalker Lodge In Our Own Voice (IOOV) was created as part of NAMI’s initiative to involve consumers in education about serious mental illness. It seemed natural for people with […]
“Remember Me, Hamlet”
Hamlet Director and Thunder River Theatre Company’s founder and artistic director, Lon Winston answers questions regarding our matinee performance. “Remember me, Hamlet” was a quote from the Ghost of King Hamlet played by Jaywalkers own poet laureate and former counselor emeritus Kim Nuzzo. Perhaps the only thing I remembered from Hamlet was “to be or […]
4 Feet
After a near record setting drought in January and most of February, most of us thought winter was over. Mother nature reminded us that winter was in fact alive and well by dropping four feet of snow on us in the last 7 days. Happy Shredding! Donnie Hagenbart Admissions & Marketing Manager Jaywalker Lodge
JWL & Phoenix Ski Weekend
Another amazing sober ski weekend with Phoenix Multisport! Phoenix and Jaywalker have been having sober ski weekends for the last 6 years and we hope to continue the fun. To learn more about Phoenix Multisport please click here. We hope to see you all again very soon!