College Majors

Every semester the Jaywalker U students are asked to write about their potential majors and some of the jobs that they could have when they graduate. Business, Art, History, and Science were among the majors that our students are pursuing. In the past the Jaywalker U students have picked a degree because it sounded nice […]

Last Call for the Serenity Scramble

Jaywalker Lodge’s 7th Annual Serenity Scramble is less than two weeks away and there are only a few spots left! To register, or for more information, please visit, or contact Kortney Hartman at, or (970) 704-9292. We hope to see you there!

29 Years

Jaywalker U Program Director, Janet DeMars, celebrated 29 years of sobriety yesterday! Janet has been with Jaywalker U for two years now and has been a tremendous help to the students as well as myself. Along with working individually with the Jaywalker U students, Janet also counsels students at Colorado Mountain College. After moving to […]

Congrats Patrick

Patrick Young, our newest addition to the Jaywalker Staff, just celebrated his 5 Year Sobriety Birthday yesterday. Pat made the move from Minnesota to Carbondale to work here. He is one of our alumni and lives his life to the fullest. He has a new job and a new home and still takes the time […]

Labor Day

“There is no substitution for hard work!” – Thomas Edison Labor Day is much more than just the unofficial end to summer. The United States celebrates the holiday on the first Monday in September in honor of the achievements of workers. Thank you all for your hard work and we hope everyone had a fun, […]

Dressed to the K9’s

An Evening of Fun, Fashion and Film” The Jaywalker Lodge family of programs has the incredible opportunity to volunteer, support, and partner with a number of amazing non-profits and service organizations in the Roaring Fork Valley and beyond. Without a doubt, Colorado Animal Rescue, Inc. (C.A.R.E.) and it’s extraordinary Shelter is one of the finest […]

Sunday Night Football Returns

Yes, for better or worse, it’s that time year again. I was discussing todays schedule with a fellow Jaywalker Alumnus today which included; goodbyes with visiting parents, dog walk, food, classes at CMC, workout at gym, more food, but most importantly— A fantasy football league draft party. Along with the cooler fall-like weather, the inevitable […]


Ride CMC – Fall 2014 Shuttle Schedule RIDE CMC is a shuttle service operating Monday – Thursday between CMC-Spring Valley, Thunder River Market (RFTA connection), CMC-Glenwood and CMC-Carbondale providing free transportation to classes for students. CMC student ID required to ride (or photo ID plus your class schedule) For information call 947-8200 Morning Route (Mon-Thurs) […]

Colorado Mental Health

Colorado launched a statewide hotline last week to help people suffering from depression and mental illness. The hotline will be available 24 hours a day every day and is available to everyone. People can talk to a mental health professional or counselor by calling 844-493-TALK.

2014 JWU Fall Orientation

Every semester the Jaywalker U students embark on a team-building/transformational trip where they not only work on themselves but also bond with their peers. For the second year in a row the Jaywalker U men headed to Steamboat Springs to explore their inner selves, get to know their peers, and spend some time relaxing and […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.