/  Jaywalker   /   Independence Pass, on a Bike ?

aspen bike race

Independence has always been a proving ground for local and Colorado riders. Now it’s internationally renowned, thanks to the Pro Challenge Bike Race.”

What does climbing up Independence pass on your bike with friends to watch a bike race have to do with Recovery ?
Nothing and Everything at the same time. On Tuesday the Jaywalker Landing crew and two Jaywalker Alumni made the difficult climb to watch the Pros race up one of Americas most iconic ascents. We were there to have fun , away from therapy, but learning a lot about our perceived limits and going beyond them during the challenging ride. That is what Recovery is all about; expanding beyond what we previously thought was possible. That’s where our purpose lies and the landing clients took a good step toward getting there.

Brendon Kerton, MA
Jaywalker Lodge

P.S. The grueling internationally recognized climb up Independence Pass gains 4300 vertical feet over 19 miles to reach the lung-searing 12,096 foot summit.