Service to Others
We believe that service to others is fundamental to our recovery process. Jaywalkers have become known in the community as people who will give back and help out any way we can. From local charity events to helping rebuild areas around the country hit by natural disasters, Jaywalker’s have made an impact. That feeling of […]
JWU StrengthsQuest
What are your strengths that will enhance your academic choices and propel you into the career that fits your strengths and feeds your spirit? Each student at Jaywalker U will take the StrengthsQuest Finder and discover their top five strengths and how to apply those strengths to life today and in the future. This concept […]
JWU Multi-pitch Climb
Recently JWU spent the day with Johann Aberger and two other expert rock climbing guides for what I thought was to be a short jaunt up Petit Blue. The jaunt was indeed short, but the climb was long and challenging. The focus of this outing was to face fear and move through it with courage, and […]
Recovery Month
September is Recovery Month and has been designated as such for over 25 years. According to the National Council for Behavioral Health, 1 in 12 adults struggled with addiction during the last year and 1 in 5 had a mental illness. The theme for this year is “Join the Voices for Recovery: Speak up, Reach […]
Pine Ridge
“It is hard being poor” said Will Peters, a Lakota high school teacher born and raised on the reservation. “But I’m not leaving. I have two degrees, my wife has three. We could go anywhere. My home is here, our home is here. My ancestors are buried on this land. We are needed and no […]
Bobby in a Dress
The 7th Annual Jaywalker Serenity Scramble was a great success! Thanks to Kortney Hartman, the sponsors, players, and everyone who made it possible. All good charity golf tournaments have plenty of winners and no losers, however, at this year’s tournament one loser stood out, in a sun dress. Now, let me explain. The Serenity Scramble […]
Congrats Alex
What can I say about Alex Colins except, Wow! What an incredible specimen of a man. I first met Alex at Fotion’s Gym in Carbondale, and knew from that moment that this was a guy I could learn something from. Not only is Alex the strongest man in all of Carbondale (soon to be the […]
Congratulations Brit
Today Briton Bingham celebrates two years of clean time and sobriety! Over the last two years, having gotten to know Brit quite well I can say that he is the perfect example of “fun in recovery.” He has experienced the promises that sobriety can can offer if one chooses to work diligently and honestly toward […]
Bob Ferguson Celebrated 22 years
My favorite way to describe Bobby is simple; “He’s 52 going on 22.” Anyone that has stepped on the ice to play hockey, gone hiking, played lacrosse, just name any outdoor activity, sat in a meeting, or had any interaction with him knows that his energy level is high and insanely off the charts. Bobby […]
“Contempt before Investigation”
There is a principal which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance – That principle is contempt prior to investigation.” – Herbert Spencer Herbert Spencer is one of my Recovery heroes. Although he wasn’t part of the Recovery movement his […]