The Home I Made

Before Jaywalker Lodge, and before Carbondale, my life had been a series of hit and runs. I would leave as soon as things in my life started to disintegrate. When I came up to Jaywalker, I did not expect to stay in the community. But the longer I stayed, the more that I realized I […]

Drugs and Alcohol in our High School

Valley Partnership for Drug Prevention is sponsoring a presentation by experts in the field of substance abuse prevention tonight at the Aspen High School from 5:30 – 7:00pm. Get tips and tools that will inform conversations between parents and their children on drug and alcohol awareness. Donnie Hagenbart Program Coordinator Jaywalker U

Code of Ethics

Jaywalker Founder and CEO Bob Ferguson recently served as a panelist at the National Conference on Addiction Disorders (NCAD) in St. Louis.  Following the August conference, and acting on a suggestion from a fellow panelist, Ferguson drafted Jaywalker’s first code of ethics. As the current chair for the Ethics committee of The National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP), Ferguson […]

USA Mental Health First Aid

The USA Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course continues to expand their training in order to address the needs of various demographics.  Mental Health First Aid is an in-person training that teaches you how to help people developing a mental illness or in a crisis.  Janet DeMars, one of our Jaywalker counselors, has recently completed […]

Happy Thanksgiving

The Annual Jaywalker Thanksgiving Dinner had another great turn-out! Over 70 alums, clients, staff and family members shared this holiday together. Jake W, Greg H , Austin C, Greg M, and Don O all chipped in and cooked an enormous Thanksgiving feast.  Happy Thanksgiving to the entire Jaywalker community!  

Avalanche Safety Tips

Winter is here and with it came feet of snow! However exciting this may be, there are some adherent risks involved with the amount of snow this early in the season. In order to have a safe and fun time in the back-country we must take precautions. Whether you are an avalanche novice or expert, […]

Stimulant Abuse Among College Students Problematic

Nearly one in every five college students abuses prescription stimulants.” A recent survey sponsored by Partnership for Drug -Free Kids revealed that more than 20% of college students abuse prescription stimulants. The students reported using the drugs to help them stay awake, study or improve their school performance. The drugs abused are typically the same […]

Who is a Jaywalker?

Who is a Jaywalker? An addict with a tendency to relapse in the past despite an honest desire to recover An alcoholic who continues drinking or using because he believes that his life would be boring without it An addict who, after a treatment experience, knows all the right things to say but continues to […]

The Sculpture has Landed

James Surls gave a loud “hoot” and tossed his cap into the air as the anxious crowd applauded the touchdown of the 20 foot sculpture onto the marble base where it will reside. There were dozens of onlookers, including those who have been working on Carbondale’s new traffic roundabout. The labor for bronze and steel […]

Bicycle Friendly Community

Carbondale, Colorado has been recognized by The League of American Bicyclists as a Gold Level Bicycle Friendly Community. The creation of Carbondale’s new Community Bike Park made it possible for Carbondale to jump from a Bronze Level Certification to a Gold status. Carbondale will retain its Gold status for the next four years. Next stop […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.