Institutional Racism and It’s Affects on Mental Health and Addiction
America has a dark history regarding the lives and treatment of persons of color. Racism and oppression can affect the mental health of a person of color, and historically policies have negatively impacted the quality of living for many people of color, especially black Americans. In honor of Black History month, we will talk about […]
How Can I Help My Friend Who Seems to Be Struggling?
It might be difficult to tell if your friend is experiencing mental health or addiction issues in the era of continued social distancing. Isolation is common during covid, meaning life or death for someone hiding a severe addiction or mental health disorder. While it’s easier to tell if someone has an addiction if you are […]
Why Does Jaywalker Focus So Heavily on the First Step?
Our programming at Jaywalker focuses closely on the first step of the 12-Step philosophy through written step one work. The first step, “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable,” becomes a crucial part of treatment because many live their lives in denial of the severity of their situation. […]
February Is American Heart Month
Substance use disorder negatively impacts cardiovascular health significantly. In this article, we will discover more about the month and movement dedicated to the healthy heart cause, how substances affect the heart, and how you can improve the health of your heart in recovery. Your Heartbeat Keeps You Alive Your heart is one of the most […]
Choosing Your Battles: How to Appropriately React
Not everything needs to be a fight. There are times when confronting issues can be critical, especially when your well-being is at risk, but not every inconvenience is a crisis and requires an extreme response. Viewing every situation as such increases stress and the chance of relapse. It’s important to be able to measure the […]
Why Drug Decriminalization Might Help With Treatment and Recovery
When it comes to substance use disorders, there tends to be a barrier of care for those sentenced for drug possession. Oregon became the first state to decriminalize all illegal drugs fully. Whether or not decriminalization can make the jobs of healthcare workers easier is hotly debated. Still, there is a chance that decriminalization might […]
The Truth About Spiritual Trauma and How It Could Affect Recovery
Since many addiction programs and resources come from places of worship or faith as the main feature, those who have experienced trauma from their religious background might be reluctant to seek treatment due to associated triggers. Often, spiritual abuse, like many forms of abuse or sources of trauma, can lead to people turning to drugs […]
Addiction When It Isn’t Drugs or Alcohol
Many associate addictions with drugs or alcohol but forget how easy it is to trade a substance addiction for an unhealthy coping mechanism like social media or gambling. Since your client’s brain has been rewired due to addiction affecting their reward system, it has become easy for them to shift from one obsession to the […]
The Pros and Cons of Virtual Care
The Covid-19 Pandemic caused the world to socially distance, and for mental health professionals, it caused them to rethink treatment practices. While video calling has made it possible for some to seek treatment safely, some aspects of virtual care might not live up to face-to-face appointments or might even be dangerous to a person’s recovery. […]
Helping Your Client Manage Their Dual-Diagnosis
Many people don’t know that addiction tends to be the symptom of something more significant regarding mental health. Treating addiction also includes a necessary awareness of other comorbid mental health disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD. When clients enter a treatment facility, it’s crucial that they are screened for other conditions beyond just addiction […]