Self Love Is the Most Powerful Form of Love
If you are recovering from or are in treatment for addiction, you might not have had the most positive sense of self. Focusing on yourself, your happiness, and your well-being over others might feel foreign or even wrong. There might be parts of you that feel like you don’t deserve to prioritize your needs or […]
You Might Be Practicing Self Harm and Not Know It
Self-harm comes in many forms, but others might not know they are hurting themselves as a way to cope with difficult mental disorder symptoms. Since self-harm tends to be a taboo topic, many might not know that their behaviors are hurting more than helping. Substance use is sometimes a form of self-harm on its own, […]
The Pressure to Be Stronger, Better, and Faster: Athletes and Substance Use Disorder
With the Winter Olympics on the way, the headlines can often be filled with athletes suspended for substance use. Performance-enhancing drugs aren’t uncommon in sports programs, but not every program tests for substances. Let’s take a look at the phenomenon of athletes and substance use disorder and how you can help your clients in the […]
What Is Relationship Addiction?
If you have a history of addiction, you might want to look at how you relate to others. Relationship addiction is common in many interpersonal relationships with those who aren’t great at setting boundaries or respecting their personal needs over others. Codependent relationships can lead to dangerous behaviors like enabling and taking on more than […]
Finding the Love of Your Life While Staying Sober
It’s that time of the year when we think the most about romance. Navigating modern dating might already feel stressful, but it might feel like a nightmare when sober. From alcohol avoidance to dealing with rejection to experiencing a level of comfortability when talking about your recovery journey, here are tips for enjoying dating while […]
Waiting a Year to Date
Early recovery leads to many feeling fantastic as if they can take on the whole world. This newfound passion for life can lead to many looking for new experiences and fulfillment but can cause them to forget they are still in a fragile state. Many professionals recommend waiting at least a year before entering into […]
Institutional Racism and It’s Affects on Mental Health and Addiction
America has a dark history regarding the lives and treatment of persons of color. Racism and oppression can affect the mental health of a person of color, and historically policies have negatively impacted the quality of living for many people of color, especially black Americans. In honor of Black History month, we will talk about […]
How Can I Help My Friend Who Seems to Be Struggling?
It might be difficult to tell if your friend is experiencing mental health or addiction issues in the era of continued social distancing. Isolation is common during covid, meaning life or death for someone hiding a severe addiction or mental health disorder. While it’s easier to tell if someone has an addiction if you are […]
Why Does Jaywalker Focus So Heavily on the First Step?
Our programming at Jaywalker focuses closely on the first step of the 12-Step philosophy through written step one work. The first step, “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable,” becomes a crucial part of treatment because many live their lives in denial of the severity of their situation. […]
February Is American Heart Month
Substance use disorder negatively impacts cardiovascular health significantly. In this article, we will discover more about the month and movement dedicated to the healthy heart cause, how substances affect the heart, and how you can improve the health of your heart in recovery. Your Heartbeat Keeps You Alive Your heart is one of the most […]