/  Solutions Activities


The men at Jaywalker Lodge are an active bunch and the Roaring Fork Valley is our
playground. Situated in the western slope of Colorado our location offers a wide variety of
different outdoor activities that provide an unmatched experience for our men. The
activities offered at Jaywalker Lodge are world class and focus on physical, mental health
and well-being.

Many of our men who suffer from substance abuse and co-occurring disorders neglect
important components of daily health, wreaking havoc on both emotional and physical
well-being. It is important to repair the psychological and physical damage of substance
abuse as well as the damaged mind-body connection. Activity in dual diagnosis treatment
serves many purposes, but there are some primary benefits one can get from exercise
during substance abuse treatment and recovery.

  1. Activity relieves and reduces stress. A healthy amount of exercise has been shown to
    alleviate both physical and psychological stress. Tension builds in our bodies when we’re
    at work, during everyday interactions, and even when we’re watching television. Moving
    your body alleviates this tension, and allows you to get rid of any negative emotions you
    have been keeping in. Focused activities and exercise use both physical and emotional
    energy, that might otherwise find unhealthy ways of escaping.
  2. Activities naturally and positively alter your brain chemistry. When you are active
    doing something you enjoy, your body releases endorphins which create a natural high.
    These are the same endorphins your body released while you abused substances.
    However, abuse of drugs and alcohol causes an imbalance that interferes with a person’s
    ability to feel joy, abundance and meaning. Introduction of specific activities during
    treatment and recovery will help you reintroduce natural levels of endorphins in your
    system. This not only helps you feel better but reteaches your body that it can regulate
    your own brain chemistry and mood in healthy, natural ways.
  3. “Activities are meditation in motion.” The Mayo Clinic has described exercise as
    “meditation in motion,” meaning by concentrating on the physical we can experience the
    psychological and emotional benefits of meditation. Through movement, we can refocus
    our thoughts on our own well-being and forget, at least briefly, all that is going on in our
    lives. You may leave your work-out with a clearer mind, feeling more rejuvenated and optimistic. Finding this clarity within chaos can make recovery much more manageable.
  4. Activities improve your outlook. Those who regularly engage in activities report
    increased feelings of self-confidence and optimism and reduced feelings of depression and anxiety. This is in part has to do with the body regulating and calibrating itself during
    exercise, but it also has to do with feelings of accomplishment, pride, and self-worth as
    you see your body transform and your goals reached. As you reach certain benchmarks
    you feel more accomplished and reinforces the goal of continued sobriety as attainable.In addition, regular exercise fosters improved sleep, greater energy, and enhanced feelings
    of well-being, all of which make life much more manageable and enjoyable and recovery
    that is much more possible and sustainable.