Why Whole-Person Healing Is Vital to Recovery

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Alcoholism and addiction are diseases of a three-fold nature, affecting a person physically, mentally, and spiritually. This is true whether or not mental or emotional health issues are simultaneously present. However, mental or emotional health issues are prevalent amongst alcoholics and addicts, as is trauma. These additional conditions only add layers to the already triple-layered disease. Therefore, it is imperative that the entire person be treated as a whole, so holistic healing can begin. 

Body, Mind, and Spirit

Alcoholism and addiction affect the body, mind, and spirit of the person who suffers from it. The disease is an allergy of the body which requires abstinence, as it cannot be eradicated. The mental obsession requires an effective psychic change in order to be managed. The 12-Steps are designed to produce this psychic change, and in beginning the 12-Steps, the change and the healing can begin simultaneously. However, the alcoholic or addict must also see the hope in this process in order to want to continue the necessary 12-Step work. 

Lastly, there is the spiritual malady. This spiritual bankruptcy is often informed by trauma and mental and emotional health issues, and it is dangerous when it underlies the physical allergy and mental obsession. It is essentially what prevents alcoholics and addicts from responding to other treatment methods, and what keeps them relapsing and unhealed until they begin to experience the vital spiritual experience the 12-Steps are designed to produce. We can see how the addition of mental and emotional health or trauma, can inform and exacerbate certain parts of the disease.

Addressing Mental Obsession and Spiritual Malady

Thankfully, the unity and service elements of the 12-Step program lifestyle are designed to help make abstinence not only more appealing but easier to achieve. Frequent attendance at meetings and committing to be of service to others provides far better emotional feedback and is a much more uplifting use of time than alcohol or drug abuse and fills the ever-deadly “idle hands.” Engaging in the meetings and service aspects of the 12-Step program also provides constant positive motivation and support for continued abstinence. However, this is where mental and emotional health issues can result in troublesome and dangerous pitfalls if not treated concurrently.

The mental obsession and spiritual malady are best addressed by vigorous and thorough work on the 12-Steps themselves. Active engagement with a sponsor through the entire 12-Steps is simply one of the best methods to treat these two conditions that are unique to alcoholics and addicts. The 12-Step work provides the groundwork, impetus, and literal direction for activities and processes to create the necessary psychic change and vital spiritual experience. However, engaging in one element of the 12-Step process without the other two lessens the effectiveness of all three. Given that the disease is of a three-fold nature, the solution must be as well. Under-emphasizing any one part creates unnecessary vulnerabilities by the very nature of the disease itself.

Healing Emotional Wounds

With the almost certain addition of trauma and mental and emotional health issues to this formula, the effects of the disease become even more complicated. By necessity, it also broadens the scope of the solution. Leaving the sufferer open to lingering unhealed wounds greatly jeopardizes the success of their recovery. If mental and emotional health issues are not treated through proper channels and methods, or if the trauma is not worked through and healing not begun, it decreases the impact and effectiveness of the 12-Step program.

By now, we should have a sufficient case for not only the necessity of holistic treatment and healing, but the incredible efficacy and utility of it. It is almost reckless to employ anything short of whole-person treatment. The disease of alcoholism and addiction affects the entirety of the individual. Thankfully, there is an available solution to the disease. Coupled with just a few other methods, this solution leaves very little gaps in the rehabilitation and recovery of the individual, thereby increasing the chances of long-term recovery and success.

Whole-Person Healing at Jaywalker Lodge

Jaywalker Lodge engages in whole-person, holistic healing with all who come to us — and we do so to great success. Our goal is nothing less than long-term recovery, complete with healing, happiness, freedom, and a meaningful life, for all men who walk through our doors. Individualized therapy, group therapy, recovery meetings, 12-Step work, trauma healing, physical activity, healthy nutrition, thriving community, and discipline and responsibility coaching all combine to form the Jaywalker method. We know the nature of the disease, and we have brought together a completely holistic treatment method in the most conducive environment to healing, education, and incorporation possible.

Physical, mental, and spiritual health are equally valued and nurtured at Jaywalker Lodge. Simultaneously, we also begin the 12-Step process, aimed at producing the necessary psychic change and vital spiritual experience. We help our men see the beauty and hope in their lives and learn how to work towards making their lives the best they can be, all while maintaining and thriving in long-term recovery. 

Alcoholism and addiction are a disease of a three-fold nature, which affects the entire life and being of the sufferer. Thankfully, there is a solution. The 12-Step program is designed to produce the necessary psychic change and vital spiritual experience that lead to lasting recovery. At Jaywalker Lodge, we focus on whole-person healing to help those who earnestly want freedom from their alcoholism and addiction. Let us show you how beautiful life can be when you are healed physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Call us today at (866) 529-9255.

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Stefan Bate, MA, LAC, CCTP Chief Clinical Officer
Stefan Bate, BA, MA, LAC holds a Master's Degree in Applied Psychology from Regis University and is a Licensed Addiction Counselor in the state of Colorado. Stefan has wide-ranging experience in the field of addiction recovery including: working as a recovery coach, therapist, and program director.

Start Your Recovery

Jaywalker provides a specialized and personalized approach for men facing substance abuse, guiding them towards sustainable sobriety while fostering a robust camaraderie among peers on the journey to recovery.
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