Sober Semester Completed

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true natureToday marked the completion of Jaywalker U Fall 2014 Semester. During this last semester one student earned dual credits by having his Colorado Mountain College (CMC) credits count towards his high school diploma.  Other students who arrived mid semester were taking classes through Grand Canyon University (GCU) because GCU has  online classes starting every Monday year-round, while other students participated in traditional classes at CMC.  To celebrate the completion of this semester, JWU spent the day with Johann Aberger celebrating, enjoying life, laughing and dancing.  Yes, dancing.

The group decided to take what we thought was a Yoga class called Nia at True Nature this morning.  We were hesitantly surprised when we walked into the room and no one had Yoga mats, except us.  JWU students and staff are always prepared.  The description of the class said that it was appropriate for all levels.  What could be better?  It also described the class, vaguely, in my opinion:  Nia empowers people of all shapes and sizes by connecting the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Nia draws from disciplines of the martial arts, dance and healing. Every class offers a unique combination of 52 moves in a way that is blissful, inspirational and packed with power. We were told that today was an unusual day of Nia—we danced for an hour.  The JWU staff, students, in addition to Johann, all have smooth moves!!  Make sure to ask Donnie to show you some of his moves!!

Janet DeMars

Program Director

Jaywalker U

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Stefan Bate, MA, LAC, CCTP Chief Clinical Officer
Stefan Bate, BA, MA, LAC holds a Master's Degree in Applied Psychology from Regis University and is a Licensed Addiction Counselor in the state of Colorado. Stefan has wide-ranging experience in the field of addiction recovery including: working as a recovery coach, therapist, and program director.

Start Your Recovery

Jaywalker provides a specialized and personalized approach for men facing substance abuse, guiding them towards sustainable sobriety while fostering a robust camaraderie among peers on the journey to recovery.
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