The Role of Medically Assisted Treatment in Our Recovery Programs

Medically assisted treatment (MAT) is a topic and practice of no small debate. We keep our position on the issue simple, clean, and in line with what we think is best for the quality of both life and recovery for the men who stay with us. At Jaywalker Lodge, we take nothing more seriously than […]

Sobriety and Anonymity in the Time of Digital Recovery

In the era of self-quarantine and lockdowns, nearly every aspect of our daily lives has been turned upside down. However long this crisis lasts, we have to remain adaptable to the “new normal.” Life doesn’t stop, but it does often change. Now it has changed again and for many of us, the majority of our […]

What Is Jaywalker Lodge?

Jaywalker Lodge is not a rehab. It’s not simply a treatment facility either. Jaywalker Lodge is based on something more than either of those models. We don’t really get sober in rehab – we get sober in a community. Recovery doesn’t happen in a hospital, it happens in the shift of how we relate to […]

Mental and Emotional Health in Recovery

Our time spent in alcoholism and addiction can wreak havoc on our emotional and mental health. When we finally find recovery, we are usually pleased with how directly sobriety addresses our physical health and how soundly the 12-Steps begin to heal us spiritually. Sobriety and the 12-Steps also help our mental and emotional health, incredibly […]

The Benefits of All-Male Treatment

It is absolutely true that alcoholism and addiction can affect anyone. This disease does not acknowledge gender, wealth, race, or creed. It does not care who we are or where we’re from – it can wreak havoc on anyone. So, why is Jaywalker Lodge all-male? We aren’t simply an all-male lodge. At Jaywalker, we have […]

Building Self-Esteem in Sobriety

Feeling good about ourselves after struggling with alcoholism and addiction may seem like a far-off and unlikely task. Sure, it sounds nice, but we’ve suffered a lot. Most of us have done things we aren’t proud of and acted ways we wished we hadn’t. We learn quickly in recovery at Jaywalker Lodge that selflessness goes […]

How Can I Get Sober?

That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it? First, do you want to get sober? The reason why you want to get sober is not as important as knowing how to get sober – but it is still important. You may want to get sober because your life is a wreck, you’re in pain, everything is a […]

How Can I Find Recovery in the Days of COVID-19?

Certainly these are unprecedented times. Things are vague, perhaps even frightening, and much seems unclear. The murkiness of these times can make any other concerns we have magnified or harder to deal with. It is true that alcoholism and drug addiction do not discriminate. They can strike anyone, anywhere, at any time. Add social isolation, […]

Nature’s Role in Healing and Recovery

Entering recovery is possibly the most life-changing experience any of us will undergo. Yet when we first find the sober path, we are often just stepping out of a life of disconnection, trauma, and misery. Our mind, body, and spirit are all worse for wear. As the professionals at Jaywalker Lodge guide us and the […]

The Benefits of DBT

Dialectical-behavioral therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that enhances more basic forms of cognitive therapy. The main benefits of DBT are learning to live in the moment, building and strengthening relationships, emotional balance, and healthy mechanisms for coping with stressors. Originally developed for the enhanced treatment of people with borderline personality disorder, DBT […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.