/  Jaywalker   /   RECOVERY MAGIC

family aftercare panel photo

Those of us who have struggled with this disease of addiction know there are no quick fixes, miracle cures, or chemical solutions to this progressive and potentially fatal disease. “Remember that we deal with alcohol- cunning, baffling, powerful! Without help it is too much for us.” Fortunately, we live in a valley that is rich with recovery resources and is steeped in sobriety. I was reminded at Saturdays Aftercare Panel presentation for Jaywalker’s Family Program just how extraordinary the Carbondale community is in providing an environment where miracles can happen! As staff members shared the various programs now available through Jaywalkers extensive continuum of care, I heard a family member state that Jaywalker and Carbondale are, “Recovery Magic” and unique in the treatment realm. We are truly blessed with a wealth of programs; The Lodge, Solutions, the Jaywalker University, Intensive Out Patient, A New Path, and multiple sober living opportunities. In addition, we have a welcoming and engaged 12 Step community and a town that has embraced The Jaywalker, “Open Community” model. As our men become willing to accept the “help” available from the programs and people and commit to a life of service in sobriety, the Magic begins to happen.

Mark Kloster
Alumni Coordinator