Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol addiction can seriously affect both your emotional and physical health. Here at Jaywalker, a men’s alcohol rehab, we understand the complexities of alcohol addiction and offer a variety of treatment options tailored to meet your specific needs.

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Home Chronic Relapse Dual Diagnosis Substance Abuse Men’s Alcohol Rehab

Before diving into our treatment programs, it’s important to be able to recognize the signs of alcohol addiction and understand when it’s time to seek help. Whether it’s occasional social drinking or a full-blown dependence on alcohol, being aware of the different types of drinking behaviors can help you make informed decisions about your alcohol consumption.

If you or someone you know is displaying signs of alcoholism, it’s crucial to reach out for assistance. Our comprehensive treatment programs address the root causes of alcohol addiction and provide the necessary support and resources for you to achieve long-lasting sobriety.

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?

Alcohol Use Disorder, commonly known as AUD, is a persistent health condition that is marked by the uncontrolled consumption of alcohol, leading to negative physical and emotional effects. It is classified as a substance use disorder and is a significant public health issue worldwide. The seriousness of AUD varies, ranging from mild to severe, which can lead to various symptoms and outcomes.

Different Types of Drinking

People exhibit various types of drinking behaviors. Here are a few:

  • Social Drinking: This is when you drink alcohol in social settings, like parties, gatherings, or dinners with friends. The focus is often on enjoying the company of others, and alcohol is consumed in moderation to enhance social interactions.
  • Binge Drinking: Binge drinking involves consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time, typically with the intention of getting drunk quickly. It’s common among young adults and is often associated with social events or celebrations. Binge drinking can cause significant health dangers and accidents.
  • Heavy Drinking: This refers to drinking large quantities of alcohol regularly, often exceeding recommended limits. Heavy drinkers may consume alcohol daily or almost every day, and it can become a significant part of their lifestyle. Heavy drinking can have serious consequences for physical and mental health.
  • Problem Drinking: Problem drinking involves a drinking pattern that results in negative outcomes like relationship issues, health problems, or legal difficulties. Individuals with problem drinking may struggle to control their alcohol intake and may continue to drink despite the negative effects on their lives.
  • Alcohol Dependence: Known as alcohol use disorder (AUD) or alcoholism, alcohol dependence is a lasting condition marked by strong cravings for alcohol, lack of control over drinking, and withdrawal symptoms when not consuming alcohol. It’s a severe medical issue needing professional treatment and support to conquer.

Understanding these different types of drinking behaviors can help you make informed choices about your alcohol consumption and recognize when your drinking habits may be problematic.

Signs of Alcoholism

Do you know how to spot signs of alcoholism? Here are some things to look out for:

  1. Increased Tolerance: If you find that you need to drink more to feel drunk like before, it could mean you’re developing a tolerance to alcohol.
  2. Withdrawal Symptoms: When trying to stop drinking, do you feel shaky, sweaty, or anxious? These could be signs of withdrawal, showing your body is dependent on alcohol.
  3. Loss of Control: Have you tried to stop drinking but find it hard to do so? Losing control over how much you drink is a sign of alcoholism.
  4. Drinking Despite Problems: Even when drinking causes problems at work, with friends, or with health issues, do you keep drinking? That’s a sign that alcohol might be controlling your life.
  5. Neglecting Responsibilities: Are you skipping work or missing important events because of drinking? Alcoholism can make you neglect your responsibilities.
  6. Thinking About Drinking a Lot: Do you spend a lot of time thinking about when you’ll have your next drink? That could be a sign that alcohol is taking up too much space in your life.
  7. Avoiding Others: Do you find yourself avoiding friends or family so you can drink alone or with other heavy drinkers?
  8. Changes in Behavior: Has your behavior changed when you drink, like becoming moody or aggressive? That’s a sign that alcohol might be affecting you.
  9. Hiding Your Drinking: Are you hiding how much you drink from others? Sneaking alcohol is a sign that you might have a problem.
  10. Denying You Have a Problem: Do you brush off concerns about your drinking or refuse to admit you have a problem? Denial is common in alcoholism.

If you see these signs in yourself or someone you know, seeking help is essential. Talking to an addiction specialist or joining a support group can help you get on the path to recovery. You’re not alone, and there’s support available to help you overcome alcoholism.

A high-functioning alcoholic is someone who meets the criteria for an AUD but does not exhibit the full range of clinical impairments commonly associated with alcohol use disorders. A person may be a high-functioning alcoholic if they drink more than what is recommended in moderation, which is defined as being no more than 1 drink daily for women or 2 drinks daily for men. An estimated 20% of people who meet the diagnostic criteria for an alcohol use disorder appear to others to be highly functioning people. Functional tolerance is another similar term where someone can drink large quantities of alcohol without it being obvious or even easily noticed. This allows individuals to engage in regular activities in a way that appears normal to anyone else.

Alcohol use disorder can have serious health implications. Alcoholism is a progressive disorder that can cause physical damage to the body over time. Heavy drinking can impair your judgment, leading to risky behavior and even accidental injuries or worse. Long-term alcohol use can also lead to liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, cancer, and other diseases. Additionally, there are mental health risks associated with heavy drinking such as depression and anxiety disorders.

Alcohol misuse among men between 18-29 years old is relatively common. Approximately 1 out of 10 men between 18-29 years old meet the criteria for having an alcohol use disorder (AUD). 15 million people ages 12 and up were identified as having AUD according to NSDUH (National Survey on Drug Use and Health: 9 million males accounted for 6.8 percent of this age group along with 5 .5 million females who accounted for 3 .9% of the survey population. Data from the same 2019 survey shows that 7.3 percent of adults with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) sought treatment in the past year; 6.9 percent for men and 7.9 percent for women. This demonstrates that men often account for a larger percentage of the population that suffer from alcohol consumption but ultimately seek less treatment. Another startling statistic derived from the same survey, every year, alcohol-related deaths claim the lives of nearly 95,000 Americans. With around 68,000 men and 27,000 women succumbing annually to alcohol-linked issues such as liver disease or accidents caused by intoxication, this makes it the third most common preventable cause of death across all age groups nationwide. As we can see from this statistic, men account for more than double the number of alcohol-related deaths than women.


Knowing how much alcohol is in your drink can help you make informed decisions about drinking. In the US, public health agencies have established standard definitions to objectively assess a person’s consumption of alcoholic beverages as well as various patterns like binge and heavy drinking.

These standardized measurements assist research and clinical care by providing an accurate way to compare metrics between individuals or studies so that people are better able to understand their habits when it comes to consuming alcohol.

Lower-Risk Alcohol Consumption

With the help of NIAAA, low-risk drinking has been identified as a maximum of three drinks per day for women and four drinks per day for men. Though these limits are considered to be safe most days out of the week, overconsumption can still cause problems even if your number is within this range. If you’re considering having more than what’s recommended keep in mind that it greatly increases your chance of an alcohol use disorder (AUD).

High-Risk Alcohol Consumption

Consuming 4 drinks within 2 hours for women or 5 drinks within two hours for men can lead to dangerous levels of intoxication, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). To determine how common this practice is in the population, SAMHSA’s annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health inquires about drinking behavior over 30 days. Bingeing is defined as consuming at least four alcoholic beverages on one occasion during that time frame if you’re female; and five if you’re male.


Alcohol misuse can lead to a variety of negative physical and emotional effects, including:

  1. Memory lapses
  2. Slurred speech
  3. Unsteady gait
  4. Poor judgment
  5. Vision disturbances
  6. Anxiety or depression

Over time, the continued misuse of alcohol can increase the risk for serious health complications such as ulcers, pancreatitis, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and liver damage. For men, in particular, long-term alcohol misuse has been linked to an increased risk for prostate disorders.


There are two broad categories of motivation for drinking alcohol: negative reinforcement (drinking to cope) and positive reinforcement (drinking to be sociable).  Research has found that heavy drinkers tend to choose more coping reasons than infrequent drinkers. However, social motives for consuming alcohol can also lead to heavy drinking. Common reasons why men drink include:

  1. Genetics
  2. Drinks that are marketed toward men
  3. Peer pressure
  4. Toxic masculinity
  5. Mental health issues
  6. To cope or relieve stress

An interactional approach was taken in a general population survey of adult drinkers, examining both reasons for drinking and the extent to which current circumstances fit these reasons. It was thought that there would be a correlation between reasons for drinking and environmental circumstances.

The results showed that gender, ethnicity, and age do not have a significant impact on the relationships between stress, social influence, motives for drinking, and alcohol consumption.

Risk Factors for Alcohol Use Disorder

Recognizing the risk factors for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is essential in identifying those at higher risk and taking steps to prevent or address alcohol-related issues. Family history of alcoholism, early exposure to alcohol, mental health disorders, trauma, social influences, and accessibility all contribute to an increased risk of AUD. By understanding these risk factors, you are able to make informed decisions about how much alcohol you consume and seek help when needed from healthcare providers or support groups.

Seeking Treatment: When is the Right Time?

Determining when it’s the best time to seek alcoholism treatment is a big decision, and it’s important to think it through carefully. Remember, no one answer fits everyone because everyone’s situation and readiness for change differ. But generally, it’s a good idea to reach out for help as soon as possible. Alcoholism can get worse over time and cause severe problems for your health, relationships, and happiness. Waiting for the perfect moment might make things worse. Taking that brave step to get treatment can give you the support and resources you need to start your journey to recovery and build a better life without alcohol.

Treatment Options for Alcoholism

At Jaywalker, we have a wide range of treatment options available for men struggling with alcoholism. It’s important to note that we do not provide medical detox services, so you must arrive clean and sober. Once you have completed detox elsewhere, you can take advantage of our comprehensive treatment programs.

Our inpatient rehab program for alcoholism offers a structured and supportive environment for men on their journey to recovery. Clients reside at our facility full-time and engage in various therapeutic activities and interventions. Our team of experienced counselors and therapists create personalized treatment plans incorporating evidence-based practices like cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, experiential therapy, and 12-step facilitation. Inpatient rehab allows clients to fully immerse themselves in the healing process without distractions from the outside world.

Counseling is a vital part of our treatment approach at Jaywalker. Our licensed therapists provide counseling in an individual and group setting to address the underlying issue that may be contributing to your alcohol addiction. They also help you develop coping strategies for relapse prevention.

During counseling sessions, you have a secure and private environment to dive into your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors linked to alcohol consumption. You can identify triggers and behavior patterns and acquire healthy coping strategies to handle stress and cravings. Through counseling, you gain insight into your addiction and acquire the skills needed for long-term

Aftercare planning is an essential aspect of our program at Jaywalker. We recognize that recovery doesn’t end after completing treatment, which is why we assist our clients in creating a comprehensive aftercare plan. This plan includes strategies and resources to support your sobriety and prevent relapse. Our addiction treatment team works closely with you to uncover your specific needs and connect you with ongoing support systems, such as outpatient counseling, support groups, and community resources. By providing a solid aftercare plan, we aim to ensure you have the tools and support necessary for a successful and lasting recovery.

Get the Help You Need at Jaywalker

If you or someone you care about is struggling with alcohol addiction, it’s important to know that getting help is a brave and positive step towards a healthier and happier life. At Jaywalker, we understand that addiction is a complex issue, and we’re here to help you find your way to recovery. Our alcohol rehab program is designed to provide a supportive and effective environment that is tailored to meet individual needs. We believe that recovery is possible for everyone, and we’re committed to helping you achieve your sobriety goals. Contact Jaywalker today and take the first step towards a brighter future.

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